
Public Records Requests

Map, locate, and identify the right information to respond confidently, accurately, and thoroughly.

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Break Through Backlogs

Speed up your response times for requests of any size by using reliable uploads and powerful search functions. Purpose’s tools enable you to swiftly and accurately report, track, and share information. Ensure the utmost protection for your office’s data and privileged information using top-grade security measures and cutting-edge automated redaction tools. Collaborate seamlessly with your team on records request responses and securely share data with requestors through a secure link that includes built-in audit trails.

Topdown view of desk with two people
—VP of Discovery Services, Fidelity Investments

“I would have to say that Purpose has exceeded my expectations. In 10 years, they have always been very accommodating and willing to ramp up on a moment’s notice. Their project managers, both the US -based ones and the remote ones, have been fantastic to work with.”

Respond With Purpose.

Our legal technology and process experts can prescribe the most efficient solution to better serve your citizens.

A woman working on her computer at her desk.