
Internal Investigations

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Get to the heart of the matter quickly and with accuracy, leveraging our team’s expertise and breakthrough technology to create a compelling case and narrative.

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Uncover Insights Faster

Our project management team and review attorneys have the deep experience needed to make sure you find what you need and produce what’s required to all parties completely and on time.

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Connect the Dots

With Purpose’s technology, you can instantly identify critical concepts across millions of documents and quickly narrow a high-level analysis to a granular document review with comprehensive data visualizations and simple controls.

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Dedicated Support

Our team will collaborate with you to create interview question templates, document organization, report drafting, and more.

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—Senior Manager, Legal Counsel, Dell

“Purpose is responsive, reliable, and adaptable. They always try their best. When projects get a little crazy, they are right there to find solutions even if it’s a last-minute project. Along the way, they will always respond to questions and adapt to new requests. They can also flex up and down with volume. They never seem to struggle.”

Investigate with Purpose.

Our leading-edge technology can ensure that your data is protected and your processes are ready for any requests that come in.

A woman working on her computer at her desk.