
Data Privacy

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Easily manage requests at any volume, meet quick turnaround times, and do it all within your budget.

A computer with icons around it

Built with data privacy as priority

Strengthen your compliance and easily meet deadlines and handle any volume of requests related to GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy regulations including Digital Subject Access Requests (DSAR).

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Search Smarter

We can quickly and accurately process thousands of documents of almost every data type within every hour to help you find and account for the most detailed data you need.

A Purpose Icon

Automated Redactions

Reduce manual administrative time by automating redactions across multiple documents and spreadsheets, including bulk-redacting Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Two people conversing
—Manager, Legal Operations, The Chemours Company FC, LLC

“Purpose has met our expectations and at the same time I would say we usually have expectations for vendors. In short, Purpose is meeting the high expectations we set for them.”

Protect your data with Purpose.

Our leading-edge technology can ensure that your data is protected and your processes are ready for any requests that come in.

A woman working on her computer at her desk.